We all made it back with only three minor incidents!!!

Thank you all for making the 2016 Tour de Cure Orlando great! You did an amazing job assisting me in raising $2,136 for the American Diabetes Association.

You were part of Orlando’s TeamOne’s efforts which raised over $21,420.  TeamOne 2016 consisted of 17 individual riders. Considering these economic times for some we are humbled and grateful for the donations we have received thus far because every penny counts. I have a ADA Tour de Cure shirt sticker for display on my cubicle in honor of every donor.

The image of yellow jerseys to the right displays the names of my friends who donated and assisted in my climb to being a Achived Champion Level Champion for Diabetes.

On Sunday March 13th, I participated in the American Diabetes Association Lake Nona Tour de Cure 50 mile ride. The temperature started in the low 60’s. It was advertised like it was going to be a beautifully mild day with the expectation of the notorious Florida wind.

We made a valiant attempt to take a team picture but was only able to to get everyone in two separate shots and we took other pictures throughout the entire day. The 50, 63, and 102 mile rides started first at 7:30 am. The 10 and 25 mile riders followed at 8:30 am.

The first ride started on time with TeamOne. Mother Nature was giving us a great warm morning with many body parts getting the heat they needed. The breeze and the sun provided much more warmth, which kept the temperature great for riding. The gust of wind on the final 8 miles of the course was less tasking than the normal afternoon Florida wind but they added the hill over the 417 again and that was a little bit harder to get over.

Two years running this ride was a great ride. We rode once again as a team, in line, and it looked great to see the “SAIC” jerseys in a line just moving past everyone for a second year, ten strong. A sight to see, we were moving so well.

Stats for the day

Before I get into the stats, I just want to talk about proper bicycle fitting and how important it is. When I shipped my bike from Cali to Florida the mover loosened and changed some aspects of my bike. I didn’t think it was major but three month ago I went and had my first professional fitting since I have been in Florida and it made a big difference in my riding, power output, cadence, muscle fatigue and cramping. So if you have not ever had your bicycle professionally fitted, my personal suggestion is you should. You will see it makes a world of difference and will be worth the money.

>> View bicycle adjustment information and video

Consumption (during the ride)

  • Grape Jelly and Peanut Butter Sandwiches: 2
  • Bananas Intake: 2 (All day)
  • Water Intake: 24 oz
  • INFINIT* Sports Drink: 24 oz
  • Soda: 1 can of Coke

*INFINIT (ifinitnutrition.us) Sports Drink is a powder that mixes with water and provides customizable amount of amino acids, caffeine, calories, electrolytes, flavor, protein, and/or sodium.

Mishaps x3

  • Kenesha – took two spills when another cyclist abruptly stopped in her path.  She went to the hospital afterward to be diagnosed with a hairline fracture on her pinky.
  • Seresaa – had a minor accident where a bike abruptly stopped in her path. She rode away safe with the exception of road rash and scrapes.