On Saturday, several of TeamOne members (Dawn, Diana, Jodel, and Z)  braved the hot Florida weather for a training ride for the upcoming ADA Tour de Cure in March 2017.

The Ride

A typical Florida summer day greeted the riders: HOT, HUMID, Windy, and SUNNY! Even so, the riders were not daunted and faced the challenge. The ride got off to a noon-time start for an “easy” 25 miles. Diana, Dawn, Jodel, and Z launched the training season

The first 10 miles passed quickly and effortlessly despite the heat. The riders had to make their own breeze. Then the wind picked up. Yes, the famous Florida wind … Who needs hills when you have the wind. For the last 15 miles, the riders pushed through the wind. Despite the heat and the wind, TeamOne members enjoyed the beauty of Moss Park and Lake Nona on this ride.

After what was supposed to be an easy ride, the riders finished the grueling 25 miles at Moss Park and joined in the fun at the SAIC picnic. Pulled Pork (Thanks, Nick!), grilled corn on the cob, cornbread, watermelon, and plenty of water were ready and waiting.

Event Day Statistics

This is the course charted by one of the team members who participated in 24-mile route.



Thank you,