It was a brisk 59-degree Saturday morning on November 19, 2016, when TeamOne members (Diana & Z) joined other cyclists in the Orlando area for the Peloton Cyclist Club (PCC) Ride #4. Yet another excellent opportunity to train for the upcoming ADA Tour de Cure with a large group, only this time with the small inclines we call hills!

PCC ( is a fun and unique company that has set out to unite the cycling community. TeamOne members joined in for 35 miles of beautiful country riding through Clermont.

All PCC rides are fully supported with mechanical and nutritional support before, during, and after the events. PCC has designated fully stocked SAG stops along the route to meet every rider’s need.

The Ride

Weather is starting to get a little chilly in Florida. Of course, if you are from the north, Florida weather seems like nothing. But for those not accustomed to sub 65-degree weather, it was chilly at 59 degrees. Another early Saturday morning for the team members to make the trek to Clermont and the hills. PCC had things set up at the Horrible Hundred Expo. A light breakfast of bagels bananas to get the day started was ready, along with some hot coffee.

There were 2 groups of riders for this day. With a 35 and 55 mile course to choose from, the riders split up to meet the challenges of the day.

There was the first SAG stop, 20 miles into the ride at the Water Reclamation Facility on Scrub Jay Lane. The PCC Tent stood in friendly greeting and the crew was ready and waiting for the riders. After such a hilly ride, the snacks and hydration were right on time: Bananas, trail mix, water, Gatorade, and soda.

After the SAG stop, the team was back on the road for the last 15 miles.  The pace was comfortable and challenging.  Each hill presented its own special brand of challenge. This was a good time to remember to breathe, breathe, breathe. The nice thing about going uphill is that at least there is a downhill. If you have ever ridden uphill, you might be able to understand feeling the burn in your legs the riders felt this day. A few of the riders really picked up some speed (40 mph) going downhill — what a thrill!

And just as promised, there was plenty of food and drinks waiting at the end of the ride. PCC had an excellent spot at the Horrible Hundred Expo. The food was … as usual, delicious! The table was filled with Signature Vegetarian pasta salad, mini egg rolls, and teriyaki meatballs provided by Crave & Eat Catering. Lunch with a gorgeous view of the Lake Minneola can’t be beat at the end of a challenging ride. Riders of every level shared stories of their own ride that day — a great way to share the accomplishment of mastering the hills of Clermont.

PCC once again made sure cyclists had a great day!! Check out what they have to offer at their website:

Event Day Statistics

This is the course charted by one of the team members who participated in 35-mile route.



Thank you,