Saturday morning January 20, 2018, TeamOne members, Jodel & Z, joined other cyclists for the Peloton Cyclist Club (PCC) Ride #18. Though Diana usually rides with the team for the PCC rides, this day she was under the weather and had to miss out on the fun.

The start time was 8 am. Starting the weekend with a cold and brisk morning ride has a way of wakening up your soul!

PCC ( is a fun and unique company that has set out to unite the cycling community. TeamOne members joined in for Saturday’s 38-mile course of quick-paced group riding through St. Cloud, FL.

All PCC rides are fully supported with mechanical and nutritional support before, during, and after the events. PCC has designated fully stocked SAG stops along the route to meet every rider’s need.

The Ride

Winter hasn’t left Florida yet! Temperatures started in the mid-50’s but would be up to the mid-70’s during the ride. The humidity was almost non-existent. The morning temperature of 56-degrees at 6 am was a great way to start the day.  The TeamOne slogan is “There is no such thing as bad weather if you have the right gear.” TeamOne cyclists made their way to St. Cloud’s Lakefront Park.

TeamOne was missing their timekeeper and drill instructor so they were running fashionably late.  The other riders were lined up in the form of an echelon as TeamOne arrived.  Tim and Rustin were very close to putting up the morning goodies which were still on display.  Today the set up included bagels, granola bars, bananas, juice, and coffee. The riders made it just in time to enjoy a bit of breakfast before heading out.

The planned PCC route was 38 miles. The small group of cyclists today would ride as one group. The pace: 18-20 mph average. Warmup time lasted just 1/2 a mile before the pace increased. Now exhilarating speeds of 18,19,20 with a strong rider pulling the pack!

The first SAG stop was supposed to be at 20 miles into the ride, but since they accidentally cut 7 miles off the course at the beginning it came up quickly at the 13-mile mark.  Regardless of the initial mix up, the PCC trailer was ready and waiting for the group. Hydration! Water and Gatorade were at the top of the list. The snacks were, as always, plentiful and varied. Bananas, trail mix, snack bars, and cookies were quickly consumed. The sun was out, shining, and the temperature had risen to mid-60’s degrees, which was great. Not cold, just cool and refreshing.

After the first SAG stop, all the riders started back on to the original course. Tree-lined roads filled the route in many areas. The route took the riders along the roadway. The group always takes extra care on the roadways. The pace continued at a consistent 17-23 mph rate, in spite of the red lights.

One more impromptu SAG stop at 28 miles, then the cyclists were back on the road for the last stretch. The day was an incredible day for riding. The best part was the perfect 75-degree temperature at the end! The wind didn’t play a role today as it usually does. They finished with a decent average of 17.7 mph.

Lakefront Park made a great place to gather for some post-ride celebration. With plenty of room to spread out, the group shared stories of other rides, including the upcoming 200K CAAM. That event was the next day, and many were planning to participate.

Along with the conversation, riders enjoyed a delicious lunch provided by Chef Ray of Craving’s by Ray Vega. The menu included a teriyaki-glazed stuffed chicken with diced celery and carrots, Asian quinoa, grilled asparagus, and mushroom broth soup made for a complete meal for the hungry riders.

As always, this day was filled with great conversation, camaraderie, and the beautiful weather in Florida.

PCC made sure cyclists had a great day!! Tim and Rustin plan out the event, including providing course routes pre-ride, to make each ride so much fun. The ride is worth every penny. Where else can you get breakfast, lunch, snacks, a ride back if you need it, route planning and full SAG support for minimal cost? Check out what they have to offer at their website:  Don’t miss the next ride!!!!

Event Day Statistics

This is the course charted by one of the TeamOne members who participated in 37-mile route.

Provided by Jun @ 18mph Studio
