Sunday morning on March 8, 2019, TeamOne members (Catherine, Diana, Shawn, & Z)  kicked up the training in preparation for the ADA Lake Nona Tour de Cure 2020 coming up on March 29, 2020.

The start time was 9 am. Starting the weekend with a team ride made for a fantastic day of fun, camaraderie, and pulling together.

The Ride

A beautiful, cool morning greeted the team. Having had a warm week with temperatures in the 80’s, the riders were pleasantly surprised by mild temperatures today.

The goal: 50 miles. The first few miles were a warm-up at a moderate speed of 13 mph. The road was busy, so the riders took care along the bike lane. Most drivers were courteous. Road cycling in a small group, with tail lights highly visible, made for a safe day of riding.

The wind was slight in the beginning. In typical Florida fashion, though, it soon started coming from any and every direction. The group switched lead,  lessening the impacts of the wind.

Clouds lent their shade so that the riders didn’t suffer from too much heat. The humidity was ever-present. The first real break came at mile 19. A few minutes to stretch and get the blood flowing, refill water bottles, and have a little conversation helped break up the ride. Soon enough, though, the team was back on the road for the last 12 miles. The last stretch had quite a bit more wind! Continuing to switch off made the time pass quickly. Yet, with only 2 miles to go, one of the riders had a flat! A quick tire change, along with excellent music, and back on the road for the last stretch. Two more stoplights. Finished!! A 15.5 mph average at the finish.

This training day was filled with great conversation, camaraderie, and the beautiful, weather in Florida.

Event Day Statistics

This is the course charted by one of the TeamOne members who participated in the 51-mile route.
