On Wednesday morning, November 11, 2020, TeamOne members (Catherine & Z) went out for the annual Veterans Day ride. Z was sporting his new Navy Veteran Jersey. View the US Navy Veteran Jersey.

Each Veterans Day is a remembrance set aside to honor those who have defended our country in peace and war. Prior to our annual ride, TeamOne pauses to reflect on American Veterans, men, and women, who are living testimonials of their service and sacrifices while wearing the uniforms of the Nation — ordinary Americans performing extraordinary service.

TeamOne is privileged to ride with veterans and convey our gratitude … to all the Veterans who were there when we needed them most. We are very grateful for the sacrifices our military and their families make to protect the freedoms and values we hold dear as a nation.

TeamOne remembers not just on Veterans Day but year-round that our freedom isn’t guaranteed. It’s protected by the men and women in our Armed Services. To those who secure our way of life … THANK YOU!

The Ride

Today’s weather was not as temperate as it was on Saturday. The team started riding on or about 9:00 am and they did not fare well as it pertained to the humidity which was hovering around 97%.

The cyclists ran into a wind speed of 6 mph and gusts at 15 mph. The winds were typical for this time of year so no problem there. This morning it was a quick out and back because the riders had other commitments from noon on.

In the final 2 miles of their ride, the team picked up another rider who happens to be a retired Air Force (AF Vet) member nearing the end of a 50-mile ride. The TeamOne members exchange pleasantries as they passed on the left and let their new friend (AF Vet) tuck in behind them until the finish.

Event Day Statistics

This course was charted by one of the TeamOne members who participated in the 20-mile ride.
