Finally, the day had arrived, the TeamOne Taino jersey Inaugural Ride. I was super excited to sport the jersey that I fell in love with at first sight. The colors, images, and most important the meaning of it all made me very proud. What is the meaning of the artwork, colors, icons, and images? [ Read More … ]

The morning began with partly sunny skies and the sound of the wind howling. Although the temperature itself was perfect starting at 77 degrees with a high of 82 degrees, the wind on the other hand was already at 12mph and gusts of 22mph. Gearing for what I knew was going to be a tough ride I prepared my water bottle and had a light breakfast for fuel.

As Z & I hit the road we knew right away that the first 10 miles or so would be the easiest as the wind was behind us. Enjoying the ease of pedaling and the cool breeze we were quickly at a pace of 22mph. As usual, the easy part was short-lived. The minute we turned around the wind gusts were strong enough to jerk my bike from time to time. This slowed us down to a pace of 18 mph. Still, a good pace if I do say so myself. 🙂

The last few miles didn’t seem as long perhaps because the music playing was a Salsa mix that took me back to my childhood memories of family and friends dancing to the rhythm of the beat, or as we Latinos call it, the “clave”.

We were greeted by 2 team members, Dawn and Jonathan who had arrived for the 2nd ride of the day. The team picked up Jodel as we headed out, making it a total of 5 TeamOne members sporting our “Taino” jerseys and looking as good as ever down Nemours Parkway and unto Lake Nona Blvd.

We rode a total of 10 miles and met up with our beautiful dear friend and team member, Gail. Great finish to our Inaugural Taino jersey ride. On to many more TeamOne rides.


These are the courses charted by one of the TeamOne members who participated in the 36-mile ride (26-mile & 10-mile routes).

Catherine | TeamOne