Image of Shawn and FamilyThis was my second Tour de Cure and quite a different experience from last year’s ride.  Again, I’m blown away by the generosity of my extended teammates (donors), we fundraised over $1102 dollars an helping me become a Achived Champion Level Champion for diabetes a second time!

Last year, I rode 25 miles and I was by myself for almost the entire ride.  Being surrounded by people was energizing but I was still basically riding alone.

This year, I rode the 50 mile course as a part of the TeamOne Peloton!  It was exhilarating!  I’ve never ridden in a group like this before.  We rode in legs of about 10 miles between rest stops and we practically flew!

When we reached the final rest stop of the ride, we arrived with several members of TeamOne who had ridden the 25 mile course, so we combined the groups and finished the last 9 miles of the ride together.  It was an amazing ride with amazing people!  I was truly honored to be a part of it again this year and more honored by all the people who donated to the Tour de Cure for me.  🙂

Stats for the day

This was recorded by one of my team member’s who rode the 50 mile course with the group.


More important, your contributions help the many with diabetes. You know it’s one thing for diseases to affect older people who have learned to cope with adversity but a disease that affects youngsters is especially cruel. Just the name “juvenile diabetes” is a reason why we have to push for a cure. In addition, for your help, all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!

Next year, I may try riding the metric centery course. Hopefully you will still lend your support. I will ride on behalf of those who can’t and in memory of many.

Again thanks for your support. Regards,
