On Saturday, the TeamOne members joined other cyclists in the Orlando area for the Peloton Cyclist Club (PCC) Grand Opening Event.

PCC (http://pelotoncyclistclub.com) is a fun and unique company that has set out to unite the cycling community. TeamOne members joined in for 40 miles of beautiful country riding through Northwest Orange County and into Lake County. They enjoyed quiet roads and rolling hills.

All PCC rides are fully supported with mechanical and nutritional support before, during, and after the events. PCC will have designated fully stocked SAG stops along the route to meet every rider’s need.

The Ride

The day was wonderfully clear. Dubbed the Triple H ride by one of the team members, the day was full of Heat, Hills, and Humidity! Riding was great to create a breeze; stopping was not just uncomfortable, but like being hit with a blast of air from a hot oven.

SAG support was welcomed and exactly what anyone would want, especially after 20 miles of riding. There was cold water and electrolyte hydration, pickles, trail mix, bananas, and SHADE!

After the SAG stop, the team got back on the road for another 20 miles of “Triple H” riding. The pace was comfortable and the scenery continued to be beautiful.

After finishing the ride, the team members enjoyed a great lunch and camaraderie with the other riders, and the Tour de France streaming live.  Lunch was provided by Art of Taste and Hoover’s Market. The highlight for some was the “soft tissue support” provided by Dr. Chad the Movement Mechanic. Imagine sore, tired muscles after a long ride. Well,  Dr. Chad was right there to make sure that didn’t happen. His approach to wellness and movement has helped many in their fitness journey, painfree movement, and quality movement.

Tim Green, one of the owners of the new cycling organization, shared the vision that PCC has: to grow a love for cycling, provide members with the opportunity to ride with cyclists from across the area no matter what team affiliations they may have, and foster the camaraderie that cyclists build as they enjoy each ride. The company offers membership at an affordable rate, and members receive full SAG support at the monthly events. If you ride, you know how cumbersome it can be to make sure you have enough water, nutrition, spares and tools along the way. SAG support alone can make a huge difference in a ride. Couple that with enjoying a day meeting new people and growing friendships with others who share the same love of cycling makes a great combination.

PCC made a splash to make sure the cyclists had a great day!! Check out what they have to offer at their website: http://pelotoncyclistclub.com

Event Day Statistics

This is the course charted by one of the team members who participated in 40+ mile route.



Thank you,