The 7th Annual Tour Latino Ride took place on Sunday, February 23, 2020, in Clermont, Florida. Registration started at 6 am for most of the routes however this year TeamOne selected a route that started 9:30 am which meant two more hours of sleep.

Catherine, Diana, and Z made their way from Orlando at 7:00 am with enough time to pick up their favorite drink from Starbucks, Z forgetting that at this event they usually have some great Cafecitos. This leisurely morning cadence allowed the team to arrive at the event relaxed and ready. Everyone was excited to participate in one of the things this event is known for, an exhilarating event in the hills!

The Tour Latino is hosted by Prospera, an organization that serves entrepreneurs and creates more jobs while helping develop small businesses in Florida. This particular event caters to the Hispanic entrepreneurs of Central Florida.

The Tour Latino event was experiencing a clear and beautiful ☀️ Florida February day. The weather was a cyclist dream; 62°F, 80% humidity, winds speed at 7mph and from the northeast, the wind gusts at 13mph. TeamOne decided on the 27-mile course.

7th Tour Latino Ride

The energy was contagious as cyclists began to gather at the starting line. By 9:25 am, TeamOne members were lined up and pumped by the music.

The ride began on the trail at a steady pace as the cyclists made their way around joggers, walkers, and other pedestrians onto the road. Once TeamOne hit the road and circled Lake Minneola it quickly turned into a fast pace to gain some speed leading to the first hill. Everyone can hear the gears shifted as the climbing began. That first hill was the beginning of many to follow, each with a challenge of its own. Descending is always the best part as everyone feels the wind on their faces as the speed builds up, nostalgic of childhood memories! Add the beauty of the lake and greenery surroundings, simply breathtaking.

Finally, the first and only SAG station on the 27-mile course came into view, sight for sore eyes after 14 miles of hills of varying degrees of difficulty. Thankful for the volunteers that greeted the cyclists with an assortment of goodies and drinks to suit even the pickiest cyclist. TeamOne took their usual 10-minute break and off they went.

The last 13 miles seemed like a walk in the park, not because the terrain had changed. There were still hills on the return but the weather held up and the nice breeze was welcomed by all. The team knew they were close to the finish when they started to see joggers, strollers, and visitors walking the trail. Slowing to a safe speed and proceeding with caution on the trail for about 1 mile, all were greeted by cheers of friends clapping and waving them across the finish line.

As with every charity event, the best part of the ride is always the delicious food provided by sponsors. This is the other thing the Tour Latino is known for, the great food. Zaza New Cuban Diner provided a menu that consisted of:

  • Mojo Chicken Breast (Pollo Asado): A grilled medley of veggies which include corn, red pepper, garlic, onions, and carrots
  • Congri: Black beans and rice cooked together
  • Maduros: Sweet fried plantains
  • Salad and Cuban bread with butter were also on hand
  • Quesitos: Cream cheese rolled in light pastry dough and sugar, baked until caramelized to a golden finish/li>
  • Guava Pastries: Puff Pastry filled with guava jelly
  • Guava Con Queso: Puff pastry filled with guava jelly and cream cheese

As the team enjoyed every bite and shared their experience of every struggle, joy, and the best part of the ride, it reminded the team members that their love of biking is one of the things that unite them. The present members missed the other members (Dawn and Jodel) who participated in previous years … maybe they will ride once again on the next ride!

Event Day Statistics

This is the course charted by one of the TeamOne members who participated in the 27-mile route.


This is one of the mixes by DJ Israel “El Lobel” Rodriguez playing on the ride. Feel free to share, like, download, or go to SoundCloud and see what other mixes and genre you might like created by TeamOne’s dear friend from da Bronx “El Lobel“.

View TeamOne’s entire cycling playlist:

Provided by Jun @ 18mph Studio